a yarn/thread/fiber loving fool with MS

Archive for the ‘Rants’ Category

You want something?

Need something?  Have a question?  Why not ask Lynn, she knows, she has it.  It does not matter that she is doing something else, but it’s obvious that whatever it is, it’s more important than what she is doing at the moment you ask. And of course the next person in line, whatever it is that they have is more important that what you have, oh, sorry, that’s still you….


My last nerve was ripped to sheds today.  Many more days like today, and I will simply walk out.

I don’t care about that job anymore.  If I don’t stop caring, the stress is going to kill me.

It’s not a good thing

After a week of jumpy nerves and not sleeping well, I DID NOT NEED TIME TO SPRING FORWARD.  Just WTF.  Leave the time alone. The reasoning behind this “time change” has long since passed.

I did some expermintal knitting over the weekend.  It bombed.  Let me explain…. I knitted  a small round piece using the “pi” method.  For someone who has not concept of what the hell “pi” is I use a pattern found on Ravelry.  You start off with 9 stitches, knit in the round with double point needles and increase every “X” number of rounds and you get a circle.  This is a popular way of knitting a round shawl.  Well my thinking was to do a small one, then weave a thread through the top, draw it up and have a little trinket bag.  I got the pi thing down, I ended up with my small circle, but it does not look like I hoped it would.  So that project has been put aside, the thought and intention behind it has changed.

There’s a sock KAL that I think I’m going to follow.  I’ve wanted to try socks for a while now, and this seems like a good starting point.

Now, was I suspossed to be knitting this weekend?  No, I SHOULD have been sorting and packing.  That thing called procastination.  But I have decided that there will be a yard sale when I move.  Maybe I can unload some of this stuff I don’t need anymore and get a little cash for it.

I guess I should drag myself to work.  I feel a sinus headache coming on, not  a good thing.


But before that it was San Diego, then Vegas  then med school in the Caribbean , and now back to Vegas.  This is some kind of roller coaster ride RR is on.    His “whatever it’s  called” course for the Army will now happen in Feb of 10, not Aug 09.  This means an entire YEAR of  “what the fuck do I do with myself?” .  I’m just listening and offering warped advice.  He knows what I think.

As for me, I’m floating along as best I can.   I am even taking FRIDAY OFF WORK.   A Lynn and RR adventure may be involved, but too soon to say so until we are ACTUALLY ON THE ROAD TO SAID ADVENTURE.

At least the barrage of hormones has passed and I’m on more even ground, rocky, but hey, what’s life without rocks, no boulders in my case.

Ok, off to Barnes and Nobles for Tuesday stitch N bitch.

And now….

I don’t know… Work  yesterday was annoying, rather certain people were.  That woman that works in the back office thinks that talking in circles will hide the fact that she does not have a damn clue.  However she interprets something is how it is, regardless if its right or not.  A major problem with that is my boss DOES NOT QUESTION IT, even when he knows it’s been twisted by her.

I was working on a project for the boss earlier this week.  She needed a memo redone for the uptenth time.  She brings me a hard copy of it, to retype, she’s been told countless times, I save all memo’s I type.  THAT”S WHAT “SAVE” IS FOR IN MS WORD.  Dumb bitch.  She has never gotten it clear that  I’m NOT her secretary, I don’t stop what I’m doing for the boss to do HER WORK because she claims not to know how to format a memo.  And then tell me it should be in Military formating, not UA.  IT’S GOING TO A DAMN UA DEPARTMENT FROM ANOTHER UA DEPARTMENT.  Dumb bitch.  Think Omorasa of The Apprentance.

Since the boss is out of the office today, betcha a buck she won’t show up.

being a hermit today

Classes have started back at UA….

Students and those who shall remain nameless were given stupid pills over the semester break.

B and I started our walking routine, as well as making it out to the Downtown Pub to watch the BCS championship game.  $1.00 beer so what can I say.. We’ll walk it off, lol.

I’ve got to call my neuro, need to check in with him on some decisions I’ve made about the MS course of treatment.  He aint’ gonna like it.  Tough.

Today is my day, I’m catching up on some shows I like and knitting.  My mental holiday.  Will help with the mental state I think.

Useless Doctor

I spend a fricking hour waiting in that little room, only to talk to the resident, he got a good view into an emotional wreck of a MS patient.  another 45 min waiting to see the actual frickin REAL neurologist only to repeat what I had told the other guy.

Damn asswipe is sending me to a fricking physciarist.  That’s fine, I don’t have a problem with that. My problem is that he will not address the MS stuff with me.   I’m thinking he wants me in a wheelchair drooling on myself before he will say that the MS is progressing. Damn Sob.


It’s here. It’s hot, but then that usually happens during summer.  I’ve either got a summer cold, allergies, or sinus, I’m just not well.

I don’t want to go to work, I don’t really want to do much of anything, but it would be nice if folks asked if I would like to do something, give me the opportunity to say no, I may surprise you and say sure, I’d love to.

I’m just in a funk these days.


I did absolutly nothing worth a damn this past week. There is no motivation to do anything. I’m not in a good place these days. Between the MS and menopause, I’m a just about certifiable. No frickin visit from auntie flo for 3.5 months and then BAM, She’s baaaack. And back with a vengeance she is, almost to the point of me thinking I’m gonna bleed to death.

Our SCA group has an event coming up next weekend, and where as I want it to be a success for their sake, I find myself just wanting to remove myself from it, for reasons that are probably petty and I should shut up about it.  It should be fun.

Ok, off the rant now.

What ever

I do NOT blog because I have MS. I mention my MS because it is what it is, part of me that takes away from the rest of me.  I first started blogging (years ago, another site) to rant about heartaches and that man that just wont’ go away.  It was an online diary, nothing more.  No words of wisdom, no links to new and wonderful medical breakthroughs.  Just words from my mind to keyboard transferred via wires and electric current to a location I have never seen and to perhaps be seen by others.

Ok, so my current obsession of knitting is still hanging on, I’ve got a shawl and a beret going. I really need to pick up my tatting and work on it some though. And then there’s the large amount of fleece ready to be carded and spun into yarn. It’s already Wednesday of my week off and I have done nothing I planned on. Geeze.

Ready for some warmth

OMG, it is not time for winter weather to just  GO AWAY.

I really don’t mind the cold, what I mind is the frickin increase in my gas heating bill.  Like that alone is not enough, everything is going up, auto gas, groceries, just damn well everything.
I don’t really feel good these days.  The MS is just doing freaky things to me, all hard to explain.